Tapered Pants






Front image of a woman standing wearing the Colby Jogger in Black Front image of a woman standing wearing the Colby Jogger in Black

Colby Travel Pant - OrigamiTech - $235

Front image of a woman standing wearing the Mejia pant in black Front image of a woman standing wearing the Mejia pant in black

Mejia Pant - Washable Wool Twill - $275

front image of a woman wearing the colby pants in dark navy back image of a woman wearing the colby pants in dark navy

Colby Travel Pant - OrigamiTech - $235

Front image of a woman wearing the Mejia pant in Galaxy Blue Front image of a woman wearing the Mejia pant in Galaxy Blue

Mejia Pant - Washable Wool Twill - $275